New training event organised by the JBIL together with the EU training network IMAGE-IN:
„Tutorial on pathological assessment of H&E slides“

It will be given online on Friday, 15th January, at 10.30 am (Berlin time)/9.30 am (Lisbon time) by
our clinical advisor Lina Carvalho from the Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Anatomical and Molecular Pathology, University Coimbra.
Please register and contact Astrid Tannert for dial in data.

Lina Carvalho will start with human bone marrow slides to exemplify and if a bone tumour is running in routine, she will use it also.

The JBIL was supporting the online FLIM Symposium „Beginners Guide to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) in Life Sciences“ from November 23rd to 27th 2020.

Summer School 2019 „Imaging technologies for diagnostics in sepsis and infectious diseases“
2-3 September 2019

Symposium 2018 „Experimental Imaging in Jena“

Summer School 2017 „Tissue Analysis from Traditional Methods to Modern Techniques“